Proctor & Gamble — Shopper Marketing
Role: Creative Direction
Integrated Shopper
Marketing Campaigns
Shopper Marketing
Key Visuals
Aisle Reinventions
Industry: Consumer Packaged Goods
P&G, Cincinnati, Ohio
Brands: Tide, Gain, Downy, Bounce,
Dawn, Cascade, Swiffer, and Febreze
National Customer Teams:
Dollar General and Kroger.
Shopper agencies and retailers have long been using Big Data to increase sales, not ad spend. No other form of advertising requires its creative team to consider so much data: shopper behavior and psychology, trips per week, digital usage, retailer information, and basket spend, just to name a few. The creative work has to be simple. Smart. Eye-catching. After all, the messages are displayed in retail and digital environments buzzing with distractions, all clamoring for a shopper’s attention.
To be successful in physical and digital environments that are notoriously busy, and cluttered with information, our work had to be bullet-proof in its strategy, and direct in its design and messaging. Whether using the work for an online retailer like Amazon or a local grocer like Ralph's, the work secured the same amount of attention as a billboard (2–3 seconds).
Shown here are a few examples of Key Visuals designed by a team of Art Directors and Copywriters under my direction. We used Key Visuals as a foundational tool to establish priorities of communication and graphic styles. From there, we could modify one visual to work across an array of different mediums. The Key Visuals acted as a practical style guide.
P&G Shopper Marketing Awards
Best Integrated Communication from the Store Back: Dollar General Everyday Heroes
Best Ethnic Marketing: Dollar General My Black is Beautiful
Tide Pods
After being on the market for some time, the Tide team uncovered different ways to communicate the power and efficacy of Tide Pods. They owned the market of unit dose laundry so they no longer needed to educate the public on this revolutionary form in laundry detergent. They now had powerful claims to convince shoppers to keep choosing Tide over the growing competitive products hitting the market at rapid speed.
Shown here are three different Key Visuals that directly connect to the national campaign idea. The Dawn TV spots starred a "talking sponge" who jumped around the kitchen sink to share his amazement for Dawn's grease-fighting power in getting dishes spot-free and squeaky clean. We used the sponge character to accentuate the critical message and make direct claim comparisons.
Cleaning Scale
During cold and flu season, P&G bundled some of their popular home care products under one umbrella idea to drive sales of their germ-fighting products and help defend their homes from bacteria and viruses. Because three brands were involved in this idea, we were able to push the graphic boundaries to make it relevant and eye-catching at the shelf.
This Key Visual also makes a direct connection to the AOR's campaign idea. In this instance, the TV spots take viewers into an imaginary world where baked-on lasagna is removed by miniature construction workers and excavating equipment. This, of course, is a metaphor for how powerful Cascade is. We reimagined the concept in a simplified form to reach busy shoppers and convert them from purchasing the competition's product.
P&G + Dollar General:
Every Day Heroes
As the Creative Director for the P&G/Dollar General customer team, we launched a promotion called Every Day Heroes. The month-long, national promotion celebrated the people who help people across our communities: teachers, soldiers, law enforcement officers, firefighters, and community members who make a difference. This small monthly promotion was so successful; it quickly grew into a scalable national campaign that includes significant television spending throughout the year.